How beautiful has the UK weather been the last few weeks? Day after day of glorious sunshine and blue skies – I don’t think we would need to go abroad for our summer holiday if we got such lovely weather every year!
From a winter in which we saw the worst snow I think I have ever seen, we are now basking in the best sunshine I have seen in Scotland. 2018 will definitely be remembered as a year of extremes! Hopefully we get to enjoy the same sunshine again, but I’m not so sure I would want that crazy snow again – I think once in a lifetime is enough, don’t you?!
Of course, having grown up in India I am certainly used to some hot summers (as I previously mentioned in a previous post, India reaches more than 40°C every day in the summer) but I actually think I have become accustomed to the Scottish climate now that I have been living here for 16 years – I am seriously struggling some days with the heat! Maybe I’m more Scottish than I thought?
People laugh when I say that I’m too hot in Scotland because they know that 20°C is a cool day back in India but when it’s not something you expect I think it becomes more of a struggle. I know the kind of heat I’ll be greeted with when I visit my family during the summer months so it’s never a surprise but I definitely don’t think anyone would ever assume that Scotland would have summers like the one we are having now so let’s just enjoy it, make the most of it and hope it continues for as long as possible!