Don’t you just hate it when you have all of your appointments scheduled and planned so your hair appointment ties in with your next sales meeting in time for your next business trip abroad and you get to feel your very best… until something comes up that throws everything up in the air and all your plans have to change at the last minute?
Well, I’m that person that calls up their hairdresser or beautician the day before their appointment needing to change to another day (and then maybe even have to change that one too!) and having to go through the same thing with business meetings that were probably scheduled weeks in advance.
Yes, I’m often that customer that gets people angry for being the annoying one that can never keep an appointment (seriously – I think I could count on one hand the number of original appointments I’ve kept!) I’m the one with the hectic diary that messes up the perfectly organised diaries of everyone else… sorry!!
It’s never something that I do on purpose, most of the time it is completely out of my hands. I do feel bad about it and I hate being that annoying person who changes plans at the last minute!
Please don’t take it personally, please don’t hate me too much… I really don’t mean to make you mad.
That’s just the way my life is and as I mentioned in my Personal Management blog post, I truly appreciate it when you understand my difficulties and are willing to fit me in to your busy schedule. I am still always greeted with a friendly, smiling face…. Until I mess up my next appointment!