I just wanted to quickly say thank you to each and every person who came along to the Corinthian on 22nd May to hear my story. I was quite in awe at how many people took time out of their lives to come and spend their evening listening to me.
Entrepreneurial Scotland and Women’s Enterprise Scotland are two organisations who are tirelessly working towards celebrating entrepreneurs and women in business and having worked with both organisations in the past, I know just how effective their work has been. If you or someone you know is at the early stages and need that push, please get in touch with them, their expertise will be invaluable to your entrepreneurial journey. For those later on in their journey, needing some help to move to the next level, can also find support tailored to their needs.

It was an honour to collaborate with them both last night and the feedback I heard from you all was so humbling. It never really crossed my mind along my journey that people would one day be inspired by what I have done in the last 15 years so I truly appreciate all the kind words I have received and the support that has been shown.
If the work of ES or WES is something that you can benefit from, please have a look at their websites for more information here and here.